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Interior design professionals reveal how societal concerns influence their inspirationBy A Staff Reporter,Kathmandu, Dec. 5: We must envision democracy as not merely a political framework but also a social system—one that upholds the dignity of every individual, inspires a sense of boundless potential, and fosters an environment of safety and security for all, Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli of Nepal said in his speech on ‘Comprehensive democracy: A journey towards Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali’ delivered at the Peking University of China in Beijing on Wednesday. “While taking forward the ideas of democracy, debates emerged regarding its class character, leading to the distinction between what is often termed ‘Old’ and ‘New’ democracy,” he said. According to him, in ‘old’ democracy, a privileged class—often referred to as the bourgeoisie—took the lead, while the toiling masses remained subordinate throughout the process of political transformation, while the ‘new’ democracy in contrast saw the working class take the forefront, collaborating with oppressed and exploited groups from various strata of society. He informed the students and academicians there that for much of its history, Nepalis endured autocracy, with no opportunity to participate in governance. “Nepal's journey to political transformation stands as a unique model in global history. Unlike many movements worldwide, where political struggles were predominantly led by parties representing a single class, Nepal's political revolution was a collaborative effort, uniting representatives from competing classes,” stated PM Oli. He said that Nepal’s political history is unique in the sense that both major political forces—Left leaning and the Right leaning— when they divide, monarchy usurps more power; yet, when united, they have consistently succeeded in subduing autocracy and advancing people’s freedom. “Guided by the philosophy of Marxism, and under the visionary leadership of the People's Leader Madan Bhandari, my party developed the principle of People's Multi-Party Democracy (PMD),” he said while talking about his political party – CPN (UML), and added that this doctrine represented a creative application of Marxist ideals, tailored to Nepal’s unique historical, and socio-political context. According to him, the PMD consists of synthesis of three key dimensions of the people's struggles in Nepal: patriotism, social change, and democracy. While advancing the idea of PMD, people's leader, Madan Bhandari said: "Principles are for life, not life for principles." “This vision of comprehensive democracy embraces the political, economic, social and cultural aspects to empower the individual and society. And all these aspects are mutually reinforcing,” PM Oli said. He also said that democracy cannot thrive in the echo-chambers built by algorithms of new technology. He said, “For us, prosperity means economic growth with equity—ensuring a level-playing field for all, equitable access to quality education and healthcare as fundamental rights and providing social safety nets and empowering marginalised communities.” Speaking on Nepal-China relations, PM Oli said that as trusted neighbours and steadfast partners, the two nations collaborate closely in various areas of mutual interest. “China’s miraculous economic development offers valuable lessons for Nepal as it embarks on its own developmental journey,” he said.

Thousands attend funeral of Afghan minister

EXCLUSIVE Haunting diary entries reveal the heartbreaking truth about John Wayne Gacy's forgotten victims READ MORE: Killer clown was a 'narcissist' with 'no conscience', expert says By RUTH WALKER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 12:12 GMT, 30 November 2024 | Updated: 12:12 GMT, 30 November 2024 e-mail View comments The phone rings in Kim Byers’ kitchen. It’s 7.30am on May 10, 1994, and she’s making breakfast for the family before school - a regular busy Tuesday morning. But today is not like other days. Today, Kim's father is calling to give her the news she’s been waiting 14 years to hear. ‘He’s gone,' her dad says. 'Gacy’s dead.’ Kim was just 16 when John Wayne Gacy lured her friend Rob Piest from the Illinois pharmacy where they both worked, before murdering him, then dumping him in the Des Plaines River. Kim was the last person to see Rob alive and, aged just 17, was a key witness in the case against Gacy She was the last person to see Rob, 15, alive, and the evidence Kim provided, as key witness at his trial, was enough to secure the death penalty. The notorious serial killer spent 14 years on Death Row. When, finally, he was dead, it felt like the closing of a huge book. Kim turned her back to the living room where her daughters were watching Sesame Street, and melted to the floor, sobbing quietly: ‘He’s gone.’ ‘Why are you crying, Mommy?’ Little Courtney had wandered from her spot in front of the TV and crawled on to her lap, and was now dabbing at her mom's tears. Courtney Lund O'Neil remembers the moment clearly, as Kim repeated a lesson that was drilled into her for as long as she could remember: this world is not safe; danger lurks around every corner. ‘In life, always be careful,' she told her daughter. 'There are bad men out there. If a man pulls up in a van and offers you a ride or a popsicle or to see his puppies, you do not go. Never go. If he takes you anyway, you fight. You scream. You never give up. If he says he will kill your parents if you scream out, scream.’ Gacy raped, tortured, and killed at least 33 young men , burying many of them underneath his ranch-style house in Norwood Park township, near Chicago. Rob Piest was just 15 when he was lured to his death by John Wayne Gacy The film receipt from Nisson Pharmacy placed Rob at Gacy's house, and helped convict the killer Gacy's grinning mugshot - he was found guilty of murdering 33 boys and young men Kim’s proximity to the case - she had accidentally bumped up against Gacy in the pharmacy, looked into his dark eyes before he drove her friend to his death - changed her forever. In her new book, Postmortem: What Survives the John Wayne Gacy Murders , Courtney says: ‘What haunts my mother will also come to haunt me.’ As she grew up, she was increasingly curious about her mom’s remarkable link to this case that made headlines around the world: the ‘Killer Clown’ who would regularly dress as ‘Pogo’ at local parties, and gained infamy for his sinister clown paintings. So, when Courtney herself became a mother, Kim presented her with the diaries she wrote as a teenager and young woman. ‘I read it and was changed,’ she writes. ‘When I think about the mothers, I think about my own motherhood. All the unknowns, both beautiful and painful, I’m yet to hold... I wonder how any of the parents survived the experience of losing a son. I don’t know how anyone truly could.’ The day after Rob disappeared, Kim wrote in her diary: 'He never came back to the store and he never went home. Rob would never run away, he had no reason to' 'I can just imagine Rob lying out in some empty forest — alive but unable to move — crying for help with no one answering him' Kim wanted to know about her mom’s remarkable link to this case that made headlines around the world: the ‘Killer Clown’ who would regularly dress as ‘Pogo’ at local parties When Gacy finally gave a statement to police, he denied even talking to Rob The diary entries - while irregularly written - reveal in haunting detail a teenage Kim's innermost thoughts and fears, starting the day after her friend's disappearance December 12, 1978 'Today was an absolutely miserable day. It started out good. I got up at 9.00 and took a bath. Then I got a phone call from a youth officer — he [Rob] never came back to the store and he never went home. Rob would never run away, he had no reason to. And this guy Gacy claims he never talked to Rob. I can’t believe Rob would have lied to us. But someone is obviously lying. 'I held my cool for the whole day. But right before we were supposed to leave for the meet — I was talking to Mr Tanner (school counselor) and I just started crying. I feel so scared, worried and helpless. I can just imagine Rob lying out in some empty forest — alive but unable to move — crying for help with no one answering him. It is just not fair — Rob never did anything wrong to anyone. 'I pray he has just run off somewhere and is at least safe! Kerry will call me and let me know any new news. I can’t talk about it anymore — my heart is being ripped apart. By the way we lost our meet.' Read More EXCLUSIVE Nancy Grace reveals new evidence in Ellen Greenberg 'suicide' case December 13, 1978 'Well, no word about Rob yet. I feel worse and worse as time goes on. It’s the not knowing that’s ripping me apart. I called Ken [Rob's brother] at 2.30. He said they have Gacy under surveillance. Tailed him and then lost him after 2 blocks — I could do better than that. I had a really morbid dream last night — (had it twice). We found Rob in a trunk of a beat-up old gold car. Any significance?????' Early that morning, Gacy had reluctantly given a statement to the police. Unaware that Kim had seen him talking with Rob, he denied he'd had anything to do with him. Strangely, he was covered in thick mud - which cops would eventually learn was a result of pushing his car out of sludge near the river after dumping Rob's body. Kim didn't know any of this at the time, of course, but perhaps her dream did have some significance after all? The next day, she went to school as usual, but was chilled to learn of her growing role in the case against the prime suspect. Cops had obtained a search warrant for Gacy's house, and placed an officer outside the Byers' home as protection. 'If she witnessed what she said she witnessed, she could be in danger,' writes Courtney. 'Someone working with Gacy could potentially cause her harm. Come after her.' December 14, 1978 'Well, still no sign of Rob... I was still depressed. Cried twice... They (police) have a theory! I hope they find him soon. Also, they put the case up to the Grand Jury — he says I’m the key witness. I’m scared, say they come after me?!! Yuck.' The moment cops entered Gacy's house, the were hit with the smell of decay. They left that first search with no body, but with enough evidence to ensure Gacy remained in their sights. 'Authorities found creepy oddities: the strange Tiki-style bar, the gallery wall of clown paintings, a hallway that looked like it was out of a haunted house, with bizarre yellow and brown zigzag lines on the walls, and then, a trap door that accessed a crawl space,' writes Courtney. Kim’s (left) proximity to the case changed her forever. Her daughter Courtney (right) was similarly haunted by the murders 'Still no sign of Rob,' Kim wrote in her diary. 'I was still depressed. Cried twice... They (police) have a theory! I hope they find him soon' Gacy covers his face as he's led into the courtroom in December 1978 As police searched below his house, they recovered the bodies of 29 boys and young men 'They found startling mementos — a Maine West High School class ring; a 6mm pistol; handcuffs and keys; an identification card that was not Gacy’s. A film receipt.' That film receipt was from Nisson Pharmacy, with the serial number 36119. Kim had put it in the pocket of Rob's blue puffer jacket when she borrowed it on the day he went missing. December 18, 1978 'Mondays, yuck. Got up, took a shower, Mom took me to school. Was called into the office to speak with Mr Adams [the youth officer assigned to the case] and another detective. They found a pendant — I can’t remember if Rob had one on. I wish Rob would show up. I have a strange feeling something will happen tomorrow — call it women’s intuition — But first of all, the film stub I put in Rob’s coat pocket Monday is number 36119, the 19th (the film is not back yet) is tomorrow.' December 19, 1978 'Well, I guess my hunches were right. I came home after school to get something to eat before I went shopping, The phone rang. They asked me questions about the film slip. My guess is that they found it. Will pray for Rob.' The receipt proved Rob was at Gacy's house - and was enough to justify a second search warrant. With Gacy under arrest for weed possession, police descended on the property - focusing their attention on that eerie crawl space that smelled of death. December 22, 1978 'Mom came in and told me they found lots of bodies in Gacy’s house — and he is now leading them on a search for Rob’s... Gacy has confessed to 20 murders. They have not yet found Rob’s body. He said he dumped it into the Des Plaines River over the Kankakee Bridge — that’s far and wide. What sent them back for the 2nd search of the house was my film slip. They found it in Gacy’s garbage can — and did not realize that it came from Rob.' Christmas came and went, but there was little to celebrate. By December 28, the body count had hit 21 at Gacy’s house, and there were still more places to search. Rob was not recovered until the river started to unfreeze in the spring. As bluebells emerged from the hard ground along the bank of the Des Plaines River, a crane operator spotted a body floating by Dresden Lock. April 9, 1979 'They found Rob today — in Morris where the Des Plaines River meets the Illinois... Autopsy will be tomorrow (Tues). Dental something will be Thursday. Funeral is not planned yet but will be soon. Will stay home part of the day tomorrow. I need some time for myself.' The following year, Gacy stood trial for the murder of 33 young men and boys. His youngest victims were 14, the eldest just 21. As expected, Kim was a key witness. As she stood in the courtroom, willing the man who had cold-bloodedly raped and murdered her friend, to meet her eyes, Gacy refused to look up. 'Kim thought he was a coward for not looking.' On March 12, 1980, it took a jury less than two hours to find him guilty. He was sentenced to death, but remained on Death Row for 14 years. 'Just as an earthquake destroys a town or city or small country,' writes Courtney, 'murder has an epicenter, where and when the devastation took place, and its aftershocks reverberate. 'With murder, the aftershocks don’t ever go away. Over the next decade, American media — tabloids, YouTubers, streaming services, sensational cable television, literature, film, documentaries — would aid in making Gacy a cult killer. 'The victims’ stories surfaced rarely; those whose lives were forever altered by the murders; the mothers and fathers who mourned; the ones who loved the young men Gacy killed for his pleasure. For decades, these “other” stories became buried by the buzz and loudness of Gacy — still so very alive, even after his final breath.' After multiple appeals, he was eventually executed by lethal injection early on May 10, 1994. 'Gacy, now in his fifties, and no longer the thirtysomething-year-old murderer posing as an ambitious businessman, was set to be executed after midnight,' writes Courtney. 'In his final hours he didn’t seem worried; he still proclaimed his innocence; and he also talked about the Chicago Cubs to the guards. His last meal was fried shrimp, fried chicken, French fries, and strawberries.' Outside demonstrators sang the song by Steam, Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye, while others chanted 'Strap down the clown!' 'Gacy was first injected with sodium thiopental, which put him to sleep,' writes Courtney. Some of Gacy's victims. As of 2023, five or six of the young men he murdered are still unidentified 'But an error occurred: a clog in the IV line delayed the second injection. Gacy lay there, about to enter the in between, while technicians prepared his execution. 'About ten to 20 minutes later, the clog was cleared and the second drug, pancuronium bromide, entered Gacy’s bloodstream. 'The third and final drug, potassium chloride, stopped the beating of Gacy’s heart. In the first hour of May 10, 1994, at 12.58am, the monster was dead.' For Kim, her overwhelming sense was one of relief. 'Finally, that guy is dead.' But for other families, there would be no peace. At the time of his death, eight of Gacy's victims remained unidentified. As DNA technology advanced, authorities reopened the case and, on November 29, 2011, the first unknown victim was given a name: William George Bundy, a 19-year-old diver and gymnast. 'Some victims are still unnamed,' writes Courtney. 'The most recent one identified was Francis Wayne Alexander in 2021. In 2023, according to the Cook County Sheriff’s Office, five remain unidentified, after being buried on June 12, 1981. 'However, as of 2023, there is still current debate around Michael Marino’s identification as Victim No 14. According to his mother, still living, there was not a positive DNA match after his body was exhumed. So perhaps that number is six. 'Either way, those mothers lived most of their lives without ever knowing what happened to their children.' Postmortem: What Survives the John Wayne Gacy Murders by Courtney Lund O'Neil is published by Citadel on December 24 Illinois Share or comment on this article: Haunting diary entries reveal the heartbreaking truth about John Wayne Gacy's forgotten victims e-mail Add comment

New LAPD chief says he will work to protect immigrants ahead of Trump's plans for mass deportationsKingsview Wealth Management LLC bought a new position in Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF ( NYSEARCA:EQWL – Free Report ) in the third quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the SEC. The firm bought 2,359 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $241,000. Other hedge funds have also recently modified their holdings of the company. Cetera Investment Advisers lifted its position in Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF by 1,773.7% during the first quarter. Cetera Investment Advisers now owns 251,149 shares of the company’s stock valued at $23,832,000 after purchasing an additional 237,745 shares during the period. Bond & Devick Financial Network Inc. boosted its stake in shares of Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF by 52.5% in the 3rd quarter. Bond & Devick Financial Network Inc. now owns 184,919 shares of the company’s stock worth $18,921,000 after buying an additional 63,654 shares during the last quarter. Sanders Morris Harris LLC grew its holdings in shares of Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF by 2,610.1% in the second quarter. Sanders Morris Harris LLC now owns 61,004 shares of the company’s stock worth $5,765,000 after acquiring an additional 58,753 shares during the period. LPL Financial LLC increased its position in Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF by 5.8% during the second quarter. LPL Financial LLC now owns 565,274 shares of the company’s stock valued at $53,418,000 after acquiring an additional 31,162 shares during the last quarter. Finally, CHB Investment Group LLC bought a new position in Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF in the third quarter valued at about $2,580,000. Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF Stock Up 0.5 % Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF stock opened at $107.72 on Friday. Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF has a 52-week low of $82.74 and a 52-week high of $107.90. The company has a market cap of $724.96 million, a P/E ratio of 22.06 and a beta of 0.83. The business has a 50-day simple moving average of $103.79 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of $98.92. About Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF PowerShares Fundamental Pure Large Core Portfolio (the Fund), formerly PowerShares Dynamic Large Cap Portfolio, is based on the RAFI Fundamental Large Core Index (Index). The Fund will invest at least 90% of its total assets in the securities that comprise the Index. The Index is consisted of common stocks of large core United States companies, including real estate investment trusts (REITs), from a universe consisted of the 2,500 largest United States companies. See Also Receive News & Ratings for Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Invesco S&P 100 Equal Weight ETF and related companies with's FREE daily email newsletter .

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) — Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa led the NFL in passing yards in 2023, and he has been just as sharp for much of this season. But on Wednesday, Tagovailoa shouldered a share of the blame for what he called a surprising 5-7 start, saying his month-long stint on injured reserve with a concussion played a huge part in the way this season has unfolded. “I don’t think that (record) shows the character of who we are as a team,” Tagovailoa said. "It doesn’t show the work that we’ve put in this offseason together. “Nobody else will say it but me, and I feel like this has a lot to do with myself, obviously putting myself in harm’s way in the second game, going down and basically leaving my guys out to dry ... I do take heart to that as well and don’t want to do that to my guys again.” The Dolphins looked like they were returning to last season's form during a recent three-game winning streak, but questions about Miami's toughness resurfaced after a poor performance at frigid Lambeau Field last Thursday, when the temperature at kickoff was around 27 degrees. Miami missed 20 tackles, per Next Gen Stats, and allowed 114 yards on the ground while only rushing for 39 yards. Tagovailoa was sacked five times. The Dolphins have lost their past 12 regular-season or postseason games in which the temperature at kickoff was 40 degrees or lower, with more potential cold weather games coming up at Houston, Cleveland and the New York Jets later this season. Miami was 4-10 in games played in December or later in the past two seasons. “Collectively you’ve got to all have that same mindset,” Tagovailoa said of Miami's toughness. “That’s why we have team football, that’s why you’re in team sports. I think you’ve got to look at it as, are you mentally tough and are you physically tough? They have to go hand in hand. If one of those things has a kink in it, it could go one way or the other.” A few weeks after former Dolphins safety DeShon Elliott said the Dolphins were “soft” when he played there, linebacker Jordyn Brooks criticized his team's toughness after losing to Green Bay. “I feel like we let the elements control the way we played,” Brooks said after the 30-17 loss. “As a group, I thought we were soft. Simple as that.” Coach Mike McDaniel said he expects all kinds of criticisms to come when the team fails to reach expectations, but added that he uses the game tape to measure toughness. “If I have an example of weak-mindedness or situations where a guy is turning something down or how he’s loafing because of a result, those are things I can coach,” McDaniel said. McDaniel added he didn't see anything on the tape to suggest players weren't giving full effort, but he did see many instances of missed tackles because of straining and poor technique — not bringing their feet through the tackle — which got worse as the game went on. He also said players would have insisted he bench teammates if they were “loafing” or turning down assignments, which he indicated didn't happen. “I'm very aware that the narrative exists," McDaniel said, "and with absolute certainty, I know that the narrative will exist unless it changes. There’s one way to change it. And that’s winning a game against the New York Jets. "And you know what? People still might not call you tough. Cool. I take it very serious as a head coach to be responsible for things that can help to be accountable and to bring forth information that’s actually helpful, not finger pointing." Some Dolphins players disagreed with the notion the team isn't tough enough. “I guess we’ve got to prove it wrong," said defensive tackle Zach Sieler. “If people think that, we’ve got to go out there and beat it. I don’t think that’s the case. I think we play physically up front. I think we play physically all around. I think we’ve got to make sure we’re showing that on Sunday.” Miami placed backup cornerback Cam Smith on injured reserve after he dislocated his shoulder against Green Bay. The Dolphins also signed tackle Jackson Carman off the practice squad and signed cornerback Jason Maitre to the practice squad. ... Edge rushers Bradley Chubb and Cameron Goode practiced Wednesday for the first time this season, and McDaniel didn't rule out the possibility of one or both of them playing on Sunday. Chubb tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee in Week 17 last season, and Goode ruptured a patella tendon in the season finale. AP NFL:’s Net Worth Nearly $450 Billion as Tesla Stock Jumps

The American and Chinese flags wave at Genting Snow Park ahead of the 2022 Winter Olympics, in Zhangjiakou, China, on Feb. 2, 2022. A top White House official on Wednesday said at least eight US telecom firms and dozens of nations have been impacted by a Chinese hacking campaign. —AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato, File WASHINGTON, DC — A top White House official on Wednesday said at least eight US telecom firms and dozens of nations have been impacted by a Chinese hacking campaign. Deputy national security adviser Anne Neuberger offered new details about the breadth of the sprawling Chinese hacking campaign that gave officials in Beijing access to private texts and phone conversations of an unknown number of Americans. Neuberger divulged the scope of the hack a day after the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued guidance intended to help root out the hackers and prevent similar cyberespionage in the future. White House officials cautioned that the number of telecommunication firms and countries impacted could still grow. The US believes that the hackers were able to gain access to communications of senior US government officials and prominent political figures through the hack, Neuberger said. “We don’t believe any classified communications has been compromised,” Neuberger added during a call with reporters. She added that Biden has been briefed on the findings and that the White House “has made it a priority for the federal government to do everything it can to get to the bottom this.” The Chinese embassy in Washington on Tuesday rejected the accusations that it was responsible for the hack after the US federal authorities issued new guidance. “The US needs to stop its own cyberattacks against other countries and refrain from using cyber security to smear and slander China,” embassy spokesperson Liu Pengyu said. The embassy did not immediately respond to messages on Wednesday. White House officials believe that the hacking was regionally targeted and the focus was on very senior government officials. Federal authorities confirmed in October that hackers linked to China targeted the phones of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance, along with people associated with Democratic candidate Vice President Kamala Harris. The number of countries impacted by the hack is currently believed to be in the “low, couple dozen,” according to a senior administration official. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the White House, said they believed the hacks started at least a year or two ago. The suggestions for telecom companies released Tuesday are largely technical in nature, urging encryption, centralization and consistent monitoring to deter cyber intrusions. If implemented, the security precautions could help disrupt the operation, which has been dubbed Salt Typhoon, and make it harder for China or any other nation to mount a similar attack in the future, experts say. Neuberger pointed to efforts that have been made to beef up cybersecurity in the rail, aviation, energy and other sectors following the May 2021 ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline. “So, to prevent ongoing Salt typhoon type intrusions by China, we believe we need to apply a similar minimum cybersecurity practice,” Neuberger said. Subscribe to our daily newsletter By providing an email address. I agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy . The cyberattack by a gang of criminal hackers on the critical US pipeline, which delivers about 45 percent of the fuel used along the Eastern Seaboard, sent ripple effects across the economy, highlighting cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the nation’s aging energy infrastructure. Colonial confirmed it paid $4.4 million to the gang of hackers who broke into its computer systems as it scrambled to get the nation’s fuel pipeline back online.

Industrialist Elon Musk has seen his wealth surge over the past few weeks in tandem with the rising share price of Tesla, placing him further above on the wealthiest list. On Nov. 5, the day of the presidential election, Tesla stock closed at around $251. The company’s shares ended Dec. 11 at over $424, an increase of almost 69 percent. Musk’s net worth also rose more than 69 percent during this period. The Tesla CEO has a roughly 13 percent stake in the electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer. Tesla’s $424 stock price is the highest ever for the company, beating the previous high set in November 2021. On Thursday, shares breached the $429 level before retreating to around $423 as of 12:05 p.m. EST. Tesla’s potential in terms of autonomous vehicles is $1 trillion, Wedbush said. “FSD (full self-driving), autonomous, and the launch of Cybercab for early 2026 are keys for Tesla.” “Furthermore, the weakening macroeconomic environment in global/China markets can also pose headwinds to volume sales.” An investigation into the matter by the National Transportation Safety Board found that the driver of the vehicle was potentially distracted for five seconds, which contributed to the crash. However, the agency pointed out that the system “did not provide an effective means of monitoring the driver’s level of engagement with the driving task.” While Tesla remains a key contributor to Musk’s enormous wealth, the entrepreneur has ownership in several major ventures. He is estimated to hold a 79 percent interest in social media platform X, and owns around 42 percent of shares in space tech enterprise SpaceX. Musk has stakes in artificial intelligence venture xAI, neurotechnology company Neuralink, and an infrastructure business, The Boring Company. DOGE is not a federal agency but an advisory board tasked with finding ways to slash excess regulations, cut down wasteful government expenditure, and restructure federal agencies.

White House says at least 8 US telecom firms, dozens of nations impacted by China hacking campaignTrump Nominates Charles Kushner as US Ambassador to FranceBitcoin's wild ride toward $100,000

Prof. Debashish Acharya from the School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, highlighted the RBI’s digital currency ecosystem at a national seminar on Digital Transformation and the Future of India’s Economy, organised by the Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR) at the Central University of Andhra Pradesh. In his keynote, Acharya discussed the advantages of digital payments over traditional cash, focusing on features like 24/7 automatic sweep-in and sweep-out systems. He stressed the importance of improving grievance redressal, educating the public, and building trust through secure infrastructure. He suggested that central bank digital currency (CBDC) could make payments more efficient, accessible, and reliable. The seminar also featured Prof. S.A. Kori, vice chancellor of the Central University of Andhra Pradesh, who commended the university’s academic progress. Prof. B. Sudhakar Reddy of ICSSR-SRC, Hyderabad, spoke on digital development in India, while Prof. M.D. Bavaiah from SIDBI-PMU, Telangana, addressed digital transformation for the MSME sector. A total of 74 papers from 14 states were presented, with notable participants including Prof. G. Ram Reddy and Prof. Rajendra Prasad.

Saquon Barkley ninth player with 2,000-yard rushing seasonArizona WR Tetairoa McMillan to enter 2025 NFL Draft

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) — Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa led the NFL in passing yards in 2023, and he has been just as sharp for much of this season. But on Wednesday, Tagovailoa shouldered a share of the blame for what he called a surprising 5-7 start, saying his month-long stint on injured reserve with a concussion played a huge part in the way this season has unfolded. “I don’t think that (record) shows the character of who we are as a team,” Tagovailoa said. "It doesn’t show the work that we’ve put in this offseason together. “Nobody else will say it but me, and I feel like this has a lot to do with myself, obviously putting myself in harm’s way in the second game, going down and basically leaving my guys out to dry ... I do take heart to that as well and don’t want to do that to my guys again.” The Dolphins looked like they were returning to last season's form during a recent three-game winning streak, but questions about Miami's toughness resurfaced after a poor performance at frigid Lambeau Field last Thursday, when the temperature at kickoff was around 27 degrees. Miami missed 20 tackles, per Next Gen Stats, and allowed 114 yards on the ground while only rushing for 39 yards. Tagovailoa was sacked five times. The Dolphins have lost their past 12 regular-season or postseason games in which the temperature at kickoff was 40 degrees or lower, with more potential cold weather games coming up at Houston, Cleveland and the New York Jets later this season. Miami was 4-10 in games played in December or later in the past two seasons. “Collectively you’ve got to all have that same mindset,” Tagovailoa said of Miami's toughness. “That’s why we have team football, that’s why you’re in team sports. I think you’ve got to look at it as, are you mentally tough and are you physically tough? They have to go hand in hand. If one of those things has a kink in it, it could go one way or the other.” A few weeks after former Dolphins safety DeShon Elliott said the Dolphins were “soft” when he played there, linebacker Jordyn Brooks criticized his team's toughness after losing to Green Bay. “I feel like we let the elements control the way we played,” Brooks said after the 30-17 loss. “As a group, I thought we were soft. Simple as that.” Coach Mike McDaniel said he expects all kinds of criticisms to come when the team fails to reach expectations, but added that he uses the game tape to measure toughness. “If I have an example of weak-mindedness or situations where a guy is turning something down or how he’s loafing because of a result, those are things I can coach,” McDaniel said. McDaniel added he didn't see anything on the tape to suggest players weren't giving full effort, but he did see many instances of missed tackles because of straining and poor technique — not bringing their feet through the tackle — which got worse as the game went on. He also said players would have insisted he bench teammates if they were “loafing” or turning down assignments, which he indicated didn't happen. “I'm very aware that the narrative exists," McDaniel said, "and with absolute certainty, I know that the narrative will exist unless it changes. There’s one way to change it. And that’s winning a game against the New York Jets. "And you know what? People still might not call you tough. Cool. I take it very serious as a head coach to be responsible for things that can help to be accountable and to bring forth information that’s actually helpful, not finger pointing." Some Dolphins players disagreed with the notion the team isn't tough enough. “I guess we’ve got to prove it wrong," said defensive tackle Zach Sieler. “If people think that, we’ve got to go out there and beat it. I don’t think that’s the case. I think we play physically up front. I think we play physically all around. I think we’ve got to make sure we’re showing that on Sunday.” Miami placed backup cornerback Cam Smith on injured reserve after he dislocated his shoulder against Green Bay. The Dolphins also signed tackle Jackson Carman off the practice squad and signed cornerback Jason Maitre to the practice squad. ... Edge rushers Bradley Chubb and Cameron Goode practiced Wednesday for the first time this season, and McDaniel didn't rule out the possibility of one or both of them playing on Sunday. Chubb tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee in Week 17 last season, and Goode ruptured a patella tendon in the season finale. AP NFL: of StepStone Group LP ( NASDAQ:STEP – Get Free Report ) have been given a consensus recommendation of “Hold” by the seven research firms that are presently covering the firm, reports. Four equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and three have issued a buy recommendation on the company. The average 12 month price target among brokerages that have covered the stock in the last year is $64.36. Several research firms have recently weighed in on STEP. The Goldman Sachs Group raised their price objective on shares of StepStone Group from $64.00 to $70.50 and gave the company a “neutral” rating in a research report on Tuesday, November 19th. Oppenheimer raised their price target on StepStone Group from $56.00 to $73.00 and gave the company an “outperform” rating in a research report on Wednesday, October 16th. UBS Group increased their price objective on StepStone Group from $55.00 to $65.00 and gave the company a “neutral” rating in a research report on Tuesday, October 22nd. JPMorgan Chase & Co. boosted their target price on StepStone Group from $56.00 to $61.00 and gave the stock an “overweight” rating in a research report on Tuesday, October 1st. Finally, Evercore ISI increased their price target on shares of StepStone Group from $52.00 to $55.00 and gave the company an “outperform” rating in a research report on Monday, October 14th. Get Our Latest Report on STEP StepStone Group Price Performance StepStone Group Announces Dividend The company also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, December 13th. Investors of record on Friday, November 29th will be issued a dividend of $0.24 per share. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Friday, November 29th. This represents a $0.96 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 1.46%. StepStone Group’s dividend payout ratio is currently 160.00%. Insiders Place Their Bets In other news, CAO Anthony Keathley sold 729 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, November 12th. The shares were sold at an average price of $68.85, for a total transaction of $50,191.65. Following the completion of the sale, the chief accounting officer now directly owns 2,158 shares in the company, valued at approximately $148,578.30. This represents a 25.25 % decrease in their ownership of the stock. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is accessible through this hyperlink . Also, CFO David Y. Park sold 3,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, November 12th. The shares were sold at an average price of $68.21, for a total value of $204,630.00. Following the transaction, the chief financial officer now owns 20,251 shares in the company, valued at approximately $1,381,320.71. This represents a 12.90 % decrease in their position. The disclosure for this sale can be found here . Insiders own 18.44% of the company’s stock. Institutional Trading of StepStone Group Several large investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the stock. Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD raised its holdings in StepStone Group by 150.0% in the 1st quarter. Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD now owns 850,463 shares of the company’s stock worth $30,396,000 after purchasing an additional 510,283 shares in the last quarter. State Street Corp lifted its holdings in StepStone Group by 12.4% in the third quarter. State Street Corp now owns 2,401,034 shares of the company’s stock worth $136,451,000 after buying an additional 265,240 shares during the period. Principal Financial Group Inc. boosted its position in StepStone Group by 991.1% during the 2nd quarter. Principal Financial Group Inc. now owns 291,530 shares of the company’s stock valued at $13,378,000 after acquiring an additional 264,811 shares in the last quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp grew its holdings in shares of StepStone Group by 25.3% during the 2nd quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp now owns 1,115,384 shares of the company’s stock worth $51,185,000 after acquiring an additional 225,201 shares during the period. Finally, Geode Capital Management LLC raised its position in shares of StepStone Group by 17.4% in the 3rd quarter. Geode Capital Management LLC now owns 1,457,690 shares of the company’s stock worth $82,856,000 after acquiring an additional 216,029 shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors own 55.54% of the company’s stock. About StepStone Group ( Get Free Report StepStone Group Inc is a private equity and venture capital firm specializing in direct, fund of funds, secondary direct, and secondary indirect investments. For direct investment, it seeks to invest in private debt, venture debt, incubation, mezzanine, distressed/vulture, seed/startup, early venture, mid venture, late venture, emerging growth, later stage, turnaround, growth capital, industry consolidation, recapitalization, buyout investments in mature and middle market companies. Recommended Stories Receive News & Ratings for StepStone Group Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for StepStone Group and related companies with's FREE daily email newsletter .The stock market will end 2025 lower than its current levels, according to Stifel chief investment strategist Barry Bannister. Bannister sees sticky inflation prompting the Federal Reserve to hold interest rates high as economic growth weakens, serving as key catalysts to the eventual pullback in the stock market rally. Bannister sees the S&P 500 ( ^GSPC ) ending 2025 in the mid 5,000s. As of Thursday afternoon, the S&P 500 was hovering just shy of an all-time high at about 6,070. Among the more than 17 strategists tracked by Yahoo Finance who have listed 2025 year-end calls for the S&P 500, Bannister is the lone strategist to call for the benchmark index to fall in 2025. Still, he isn't alone in calling for a pullback in the second half of 2025. On Wednesday, Fundstrat head of research Tom Lee said he believes the S&P 500 will rally to 7,000 midway through the year before falling to 6,600. "The environment does not appear conducive to continued equity mania, and we prefer more defensive sectors," Bannister wrote in a note to clients on Thursday. He added that slower economic growth would benefit "defensive value" sectors, including the Healthcare ( XLV ), Utilities ( XLU ), and Staples ( XLP ) sectors. Bannister believes the Fed will cut interest rates by 25 basis points at each of its next two meetings before enacting a longer pause on rate cuts due to sticky inflation and "zero fiscal visibility." To Bannister's point, recent data has shown inflation isn't falling rapidly to the Fed's 2% target. This has prompted economists to believe the Fed will likely cut interest rates less than initially hoped in 2025. Strategists have argued how much the Fed cuts in 2025 isn't the key determinant of the equity market. Instead, they argue, the key is the US economic growth trajectory. "The growth backdrop has been a key driver [of the stock market rally]," Charles Schwab senior investment strategist Kevin Gordon told Yahoo Finance. "So if you have still relatively sticky inflation, but if the economy's run rate is still relatively strong, which has been the case for most of this year, then I think the market can continue to do well." Continued strong growth from the US economy has been a key driver behind many of the calls for the bull market to keep running in 2025. Wells Fargo's Christopher Harvey has said he believes the S&P 500 ends next year at 7,007 and has highlighted a "cyclical opportunity catalyzed by upward GDP revisions." Bank of America Securities offered a similar take when calling for the S&P 500 to hit 6,600. BofA favors "GDP sensitive companies," with the firm recommending overweights on the Financials ( XLF ), Consumer Discretionary ( XLY ), Materials ( XLB ), Real Estate ( XLRE ), and Utilities ( XLU ) sectors. "We like companies with healthy cash return prospects and a tether to the US economy: large cap Value stocks," Bofa's Savita Subramanian wrote. As of Thursday, consensus expects the US economy to grow at an annualized rate of 2.1%, per Bloomberg data. Bannister is more bearish: He sees GDP falling to about 1.5% in the second half of the year "as lower real wages (slowing wages combined with flat inflation) pressure consumption growth, while fixed investment and net exports also weaken." RBC Capital Markets head of US equity strategy Lori Calvasina recently pointed out in her 2025 outlook why economic growth meeting or exceeding positive expectations could be crucial to the stock market rally. Dating back to 1947, GDP has grown between 1.1% and 2% five times. Stocks were higher just 40% in those years, with an average decline of 3.4%. Meanwhile, in years when GDP tracked between 2.1% and 3%, stocks were higher 70% of the time, with an average return of nearly 11%. Josh Schafer is a reporter for Yahoo Finance. Follow him on X @_joshschafer . Click here for in-depth analysis of the latest stock market news and events moving stock prices Read the latest financial and business news from Yahoo FinanceKANSAS CITY, Mo. — Pick your adjective to describe the Kansas City Chiefs this season — charmed, serendipitous, fortunate or just plain lucky — and it probably fits, and not just because they keep winning games that come down to the wire. Every time they need help at a position, they've found someone sitting on the couch, seemingly waiting for their call. First it was wide receiver JuJu Smith-Schuster, who returned to the Chiefs just before the season after Marquise Brown was lost to shoulder surgery. Then it was running back Kareem Hunt, who likewise returned to his former team when Isiah Pacheco broke his fibula. Left tackle D.J. Humphries came next when other options at the position were struggling, and this week it was Steven Nelson, who came out of retirement to help a secondary that has struggled for weeks. "Just got an opportunity, got a call. Was very excited about it," said Nelson, who spent his first four seasons in Kansas City before stints in Pittsburgh and Houston, and ultimately calling it quits in June so he could spend more time with his family. "I've got two daughters and been spending a lot of time with him," Nelson said, "but still trying to work out. It was kind of the perfect scenario, getting the call, especially where this team has been and this point in the season. Great opportunity." It's been a perfect opportunity for all of them. Perfect fits for the Chiefs, too. Each could have signed just about anywhere else and been able to contribute, yet they were still sitting around when Chiefs general manager Brett Veach reached out. In the case of Smith-Schuster, Hunt and Humphries, there were some concerns about injuries that had kept some teams away, but the Chiefs were willing to take a risk on them. Smith-Schuster, who has dealt with knee trouble for years, missed some time with a hamstring injury this season. But he still has 202 yards and a touchdown receiving, and has provided some veteran leadership in the locker room. Hunt was coming off a sports hernia surgery, a big reason why the Browns — whom the Chiefs visit Sunday — declined to bring him back after five years spent in a one-two punch with Nick Chubb. But when Pacheco went down, Hunt stepped in and their offense barely missed a beat; he has run for a team-leading 608 yards and five touchdowns in 10 games. Humphries was still rehabbing a torn ACL at the start of the season, but the former Pro Bowl tackle was cleared just before the Chiefs called him. Kingsley Suamataia and Wanya Morris had struggled to protect Patrick Mahomes' blind side, so they brought in Humphries to help out. And while he hurt his hamstring late in his debut last week against the Chargers, the Chiefs still hope he'll be recovered and fully up to speed in time for the stretch run and the playoffs. "I'm in Kansas City, bro. I'm pretty ecstatic. It don't get much better than this," Humphries said. "Everybody is excited for me to be here and that's a really good feeling. You're getting All-Pro guys' arms outstretched, like, 'We're so glad you're here.'" The providential signings don't stop at those four players, either. When the Chiefs lost kicker Harrison Butker to knee surgery, they signed Spencer Shrader off the Jets practice squad, and he promptly kicked a game-winner against Carolina. But then Shrader hurt his hamstring and landed on injured reserve. The 49ers had just waived Matthew Wright, and the Chiefs signed him up. He's gone 8 for 9 on field-goal tries, has been perfect on PATs, and banged the game-winner off the upright and through last week against Los Angeles. Just like Smith-Schuster, Hunt and Nelson, Wright had been with Kansas City a couple of years ago. "It definitely helps, him knowing how we do things, how we practice and what we expect," Chiefs special teams coach Dave Toub said. "That all helped, for sure. And he's a veteran. He's been a lot of places. It wasn't like he was a rookie off the street." Or off the couch, for that matter. NOTES: Butker planned to kick again Thursday and could come off IR to face the Browns on Sunday. "He looked good," Toub said. "We have to see how he responds." ... Humphries (hamstring) did not practice Thursday. RT Jawaan Taylor (knee) was limited. ... SS Justin Reid will likely handle kickoffs against Cleveland. He has a stronger leg than Wright and also puts another athletic and adept tackler on the field on special teams.

FANS of I'm A Celebrity have spotted how there is a missing part of the show, with many pleading for it to be reintroduced. The iconic ITV show made a triumphant return last weekend, with a selection of famous faces uniting in the Australian jungle in the name of reality TV. But fans have noticed that a fan-favourite part of the show is missing and has been since the show began on Sunday. On Reddit, fans have spotted how the celebrities in this year's series are yet to do a proper eating trial. "We’ve now had 4 trails and none of them have been an eating trail, just seems kinda strange as there is usually one in the first 4 or so," said one person. Another agreed, "Yeah all they have had is confined space trials this year." Read More about I'm A Celeb "They're probably so desperate for a bit of animal protein thanks to Dean they'd probably wolf down whatever was put in front of them without thinking too much," said a third. A fourth then penned, "Has it only been like 4 days, and it started with a gross milkshake," referring to the disgusting shake the celebrities were given when they arrived. While a fifth said, "Eating trials seem to be quite popular. They maybe waiting for the right time. I'm guessing Saturday to help gain the viewers maybe?" And a sixth added, "I'm glad. I think they are the most boring." Most read in I’m A Celebrity 2024 FANS PLEAD FOR EATING TRIAL Meanwhile, on X, formerly known as Twitter, fans are also questioning when an eating trial might take place. "Me patiently waiting for the eating trial," said one, along with a meme. "We can't be far away from the eating trial??" asked a second. And a third echoed, "Why no eating trial yet?" This comes after two new arrivals joined the 2024 lineup of the beloved show. NEW ARRIVALS Last night, former Love Island star Maura Higgins entered the jungle with Reverand Richard Coles. i'm A Celebrity is back for its 24th series, with a batch of famous faces living in the Aussie jungle. The Sun's Jake Penkethman takes a look at the stars on the show this year.. Coleen Rooney - Arguably the most famous name in the camp, the leading WAG, known for her marriage to Wayne Rooney , has made a grand return to TV as she looks to put the Wagatha Christie scandal behind her. The Sun revealed the mum-of-four had bagged an eye-watering deal worth over £1.5million to be on the show this year making her the highest-paid contestant ever. Tulisa - The popstar and former X Factor judge has made her triumphant TV comeback by signing up to this year's I'm A Celeb after shunning TV shows for many years. Known for being a member of the trio, N-Dubz , Tulisa became a household name back in 2011 when she signed on to replace Cheryl on ITV show The X Factor in a multi-million pound deal. Alan Halsall - The actor, known for playing the long-running role of Tyrone Dobbs on ITV soap opera Coronation Street , was originally signed up to head Down Under last year but an operation threw his scheduled appearance off-course. Now he has become the latest Corrie star to win over both the viewers and his fellow celebrities. Melvin Odoom - The Radio DJ has become a regular face on TV screens after rising to fame with presenting roles on Kiss FM, BBC Radio 1 and 4Music. Melvin has already been for a spin on the Strictly dancefloor and co-hosted The Xtra Factor with Rochelle Humes in 2015 but now he is facing up to his biggest challenge yet - the Aussie jungle . GK Barry - The UK's biggest social media personality, GK, whose real name is Grace Keeling, has transformed her TikTok stardom into a lucrative career. Aside from her popular social media channels, she hosts the weekly podcast, Saving Grace, and regularly appears on ITV talk show, Loose Women . She has even gone on to endorse popular brands such as PrettyLittleThing, KFC and Ann Summers. Dean McCullough - A rising star amongst this year's bunch of celebs , Dean first achieved notability through his radio appearances on Gaydio and BBC Radio 1. He was chosen to join the BBC station permanently in 2021 and has featured prominently ever since. He has enjoyed a crossover to ITV over the past year thanks to his guest slots on Big Brother spin-off show, Late & Live. Oti Mabuse - The pro dancer has signed up to her latest TV show after making her way through the biggest programmes on the box. She originally found fame on Strictly Come Dancing but has since branched out into the world of TV judging with appearances on former BBC show The Greatest Dancer as well as her current role on ITV's Dancing On Ice . Danny Jones - The McFly star was drafted into the programme last minute as a replacement for Tommy Fury. Danny is the second member of McFly to enter the jungle , after Dougie Poynter won the show in 2011. He is also considered a rising star on ITV as he's now one of the mentors on their Saturday night talent show, The Voice , along with bandmate Tom Fletcher . Jane Moore - The Loose Women star and The Sun columnist is braving the creepy crawlies this year. The star is ready for a new challenge - having recently split from her husband . It will be Jane's first foray into reality TV with the telly favourite having always said no to reality shows in the past. Barry McGuigan - Former pro boxer Barry is the latest fighting champ to head Down Under following in the footsteps of Tony Bellew and Amir Khan . It comes after a tough few years for Irish star Barry, who lost his daughter Danika to bowel cancer . He told The Late Late Show in 2021: "She was such an intrinsic part of the family that every day we ache." Maura Higgins - The Irish TV beauty first found fame on Love Island where she found a brief connection with dancer Curtis Pritchard . Since then, she has competed on Dancing On Ice as well as hosting the Irish version of the beauty contest, Glow Up. Since last year, she has been working on building up her career in the US by being the social media correspondent and host of Aftersun to accompany Love Island USA. She even guest hosted an episode of the spin-off, Love Island Games, in place of Maya Jama last year. Rev. Richard Coles - Former BBC radio host the Rev Richard Coles is a late arrival on I’m A Celebrity , and he's ready to spill the beans on his former employer. The former Communards and Strictly star , said the BBC did not know its a**e from its elbow last year. An insider said: "Rev Coles will have a variety of tales to tell from his wild days as a pop star in the Eighties, through to performing on Strictly and his later life as a man of the cloth." When they arrived, the duo was thrown straight into the Jungle Junkyard - which may have looked disgusting, but actually had hidden advantages. When Maura arrived at the camp, she was fuming over the living conditions. READ MORE SUN STORIES "It’s not liveable, we have nothing, this camp sucks," she fumed after seeing the camp for the first time. She then added, "I’m going to ask Richard to say a prayer for us tonight because I’m gonna need one."

WASHINGTON (AFP) – United States (US) President-elect Donald Trump named Lebanese-American businessman Massad Boulos as his senior advisor on Arab and Middle Eastern affairs, the latest family member to be appointed to a key position. “I am proud to announce that Massad Boulos will serve as Senior Advisor to the President on Arab and Middle Eastern affairs,” Trump posted on Truth Social of the appointment, which puts his daughter Tiffany’s father-in-law in a major White House position. Boulos was a key emissary for the Trump campaign, helping to mobilise Arab American and Muslim voters, many of whom were angry over President Joe Biden’s steadfast support for Israel in the Gaza war even as the civilian death toll rose into the tens of thousands. The businessman will take over a difficult portfolio, with Israel’s war still raging in Gaza, a fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon seeing early violations and rebel forces in Syria making advances against the government of Bashar al-Assad. Boulos’ son, Michael, is married to Trump’s daughter Tiffany.

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