Tenchi Muyo! Crossover Fanfic (2025)

1. TtH • Anime • Tenchi Muyo Crossover Fanfiction - Twisting the Hellmouth

  • (Tenchi Muyo/BtVS) It started out as just another routine locate and intro for Xander. Find the newbie Slayer and brief her on her new status. He should have ...

  • Page 1 of the Anime > Tenchi Muyo category (5 stories) at Twisting the Hellmouth.

2. Category:Tenchi Muyo | Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki - Fandom

  • Tenchi Muyo. Category Page. Category:Tenchi Muyo lists all Ranma ½ works of fan fiction that are crossovers with Tenchi Muyo. Trending pages.

  • Category:Tenchi Muyo lists all Ranma ½ works of fan fiction that are crossovers with Tenchi Muyo.

3. The Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction Archive

  • Crossover fan fics that mix Tenchi Muyo and other series in a fun and unique way. ... Lemon Fan Fic that is only appropriate for a more mature audience. Be warned ...

  • The biggest collection of Tenchi Muyo fan fiction on the internet!

4. 天地無用! | Tenchi Muyo! - Works - Archive of Our Own

  • On Archive of Our Own (AO3), users can make profiles, create works and other Content, post comments, give Kudos, create Collections and Bookmarks, participate ...

  • An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

5. Megaman X/ Tenchi Muyo! Crossover Season One - Chapter Nineteen

  • Megaman X/ Tenchi Muyo! Crossover Season One. Fanfiction. What do you get when you take what seem to be an average teen age boy with a bunch of beautiful women ...

  • What do you get when you take what seem to be an average teen age boy with a bunch of beautiful women from different planets, with a unique Reploid with specia...

6. The Goddess Dilemma - Twelve, Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Ranma 1 ...

7. The Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction Archive

  • Crossover fan fics that mix Tenchi Muyo with other series in a fun and unique way. ... Lemon Fan Fic that is only appropriate for a more mature audience. Be ...

  • The biggest collection of Tenchi Muyo fan fiction on the internet!

8. Tenchimuyo Stories - Wattpad

  • Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar x male gundam pilot by ... Here a winx club and tenchi universe crossover challenge for everyone who is interested for Ideas.

  • Read the most popular tenchimuyo stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform.

9. Ranma and Tenchi Muyo Crossover - fanfiction.ws

  • Ranma and Tenchi Muyo crossover fanfiction archive with over 32 stories. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Ranma and ...

  • Ranma and Tenchi Muyo crossover fanfiction archive with over 32 stories. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Ranma and Tenchi Muyo universe.

10. Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction | MediaMiner

  • Ranma Saotome as a Space Ranger! The Goen Brawlers. [ T ] by: Shadowfang : Crossover Fan Fiction / Code Lyoko Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction Genre(s): ...

  • Show: Most Visited | Most Recent

11. Crossover Fanfiction - Angelfire

  • Please take time to e-mail the author's if you enjoy reading their story. ... A crossover between Ranma 1/2 and Tenchi Muyo. STATUS : Ongoing Click on the ...

  • Fist of The Pikachu A crossover between Ranma 1/2 and Pokemon STATUS : Ongoing Click on the title to get to the story.

12. Harry Potter and Tenchi Muyo Crossover - fanfiction.ws

  • Harry Potter and Tenchi Muyo crossover fanfiction archive with over 10 stories. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Harry ...

  • Harry Potter and Tenchi Muyo crossover fanfiction archive with over 10 stories. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Harry Potter and Tenchi Muyo universe.

13. View topic - A Tenchi Muyo/Babylon 5/Ryanverse/Sailor Moon crossover

  • 6 sep 2008 · ... Tenchi fanfiction. Now, honestly I'm timid to read this fanfic. Why? Tenchi Muyo; a fine series if a little jilted in any real plot formation.

  • http://www.warringersworks.de/index.php?title=Back_Home

14. https://jusenkyo.fandom.comRanma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki

  • https://jusenkyo.fandom.comRanma 1/2 Fan Fiction Wiki | Fandom ... Ranma and Tenchi Muyo Crossover | FanFiction. Ranma's Honor, a ranma fanfic | FanFiction.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ergo adhuc, quantum equidem intellego, causa non videtur fuisse mutandi nominis. Tenesne igitur, inquam, Hieronymus Rhodius quid dicat esse summum bonum, quo putet omnia referri oportere? Ergo ita: non posse honeste vivi, nisi honeste vivatur? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Cur tantas regiones barbarorum pedibus obiit, tot maria transmisit? Urgent tamen et nihil remittunt. Tuo vero id quidem, inquam, arbitratu. Si quae forte-possumus. Multoque hoc melius nos veriusque quam Stoici. Teneo, inquit, finem illi videri nihil dolere.

15. The Pirate's Soldier (Fanfic) - TV Tropes

  • The Pirate's Soldier by operation meteor is a Crossover fanfic between Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Tenchi Muyo!, the latter combining elements from the …

  • The Pirate's Soldier by operation meteor is a Crossover fanfic between Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Tenchi Muyo!, the latter combining elements from the original OVA series and the Universe continuities. The infamous space pirate Ryoko flees …

16. Fan Fiction - Angelfire

  • If you have any crossover fan fics on Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, and Tenchi Muyo please send it to me through email, and I'll post it. ASAP!

  • Moon Fury by Lady_Allure A Sailor Moon/Fatal Fury Crossover

17. Terrible crossover fanfic - Athene - LiveJournal

  • Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Tenchi Muyo and Most Extreme Elimination Challenge. The story should use a plane crash as a plot ...

  • or why I hate bottledgoose (cause she found it first). Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Invader Zim and Titanic . The story should use evil characters becoming good as a plot device! Generated by the Terrible Crossover Fanfiction Idea Generator Your challenge is to write…

18. Crossover > Ranma Chan

  • Genma sends Ranma off to be engaged to Akane's cousin Tenchi Masaki. (Tenchi Muyo Crossover.) ZIP · A Human Saiyajin – Michael Fetter.

  • A Different Destiny – Michael “TheZorch” Haney

19. Crossover Fan Fics - Nosgothic Realm

  • ... fic, "Vampire Hunter Raziel". Combines elements from Vampire Hunter D, Tenchi Muyo, Soul Reaver 2, and Blood Omen2. Two Young Wizards and a Wraith - by Cold ...

20. Mega Crossover/Fanfic Recs | Tropedia - Fandom

  • Some fights, but, for the most part, the characterizations and interactions are the best parts. In addition to Ranma and Tenchi Muyo!, this story incorporates ...

  • These are recommendations made by Tropers for Fanfics, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. No-name recommendations will be zapped. Nobody would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be. Do warn when a fanfic may head into homosexual or non

21. Fandoms where a majority of fics on FanFiction.Net are crossovers

  • 16 jan 2013 · Cross Over/クロスオーバー: 14 crossovers, 5 non-crossovers. Campione!/カンピオーネ!: 14 crossovers, 11 non-crossovers. Tenchi Muyo GPX: 13 ...

  • Yes, there actually are such things. I was fooling around with FFNet's sort-by-reviews/favorites/follows tools the other day when I stumbled upon this fact. Well, stumbled onto the fact that there was one -- The Familiar of Zero, that is. (I'm guessing at least 90% of the crossovers use the...

22. Superman Tenchi The Inhuman Condition (Fanfic) - TV Tropes

  • A Tenchi Muyo! and Superman crossover put together by writer Mike Smith. The fic's plot is pretty self explanatory, chronicling the adventures of the gang as ...

  • Ah, the wonders of crossover fanfic! Superman/Tenchi: The Inhuman Condition. A Tenchi Muyo! and Superman crossover put together by writer Mike Smith. The fic's plot is pretty self explanatory, chronicling the adventures of the gang as they …

23. View topic - Ranma/Tenchi Muyo crossovers

  • 12 jun 2011 · It ended right before Ryoga was going to become a prominent part of the fic with the insane twist that he and Ranma were related (not going to ...

  • zippinus wrote:I remember that story. It was Ryoko Saotome by thrythlind. Pretty dark though. Involves I believe Akane having died at Jusendo, and Tenchi and others dying in a large battle of some kind. Sorry, I'm well versed in the Ranma canon, but not the Tenchi. Still a good read. Just remember to bring tissues.

Tenchi Muyo! Crossover Fanfic (2025)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.