a (N) TUESDAY JULY 23 2024 THE SACRAMENTO BEE 7B Tonight on television The Sunday ONTV with To complete subscribe listings, to The please call Sunday 800-284-3233 ONTV with or go complete to sacbee.com/getontv 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 3 (N 7p (N) A 3 ws a A ce Ho od (N) A ic a Go Ta "Auditions 8" Variety acts audition for the chance to win $1 million. (N) a "Lindsey Vonn Jimmy Fallon" Guests Lindsey Vonn (N) (SF) 1 1p (N) CR A 3 ew a (:35) ni Sh (N) (6 BS "Scotland Part 2" Ou ts i nd ic te ur pe i in oo "Far From Home" Te i Billie Jean King and Guests Jamie Chung, Cyndi Lauper (N) Arthur Ashe (N) (P) ro tl i ne "Two American Families: 1991-2024" Two families struggle to survive in a changing economy. (N) 1 0) AB Wh or it a i ly ud Robin Thicke, ar "Divine Vine" (N) "Great Outdoors" Anthony Anderson (N) Lu ck 13 "Betting on Yourself" A BC 1 0 a (:35) i ig (N) i el i (N) (1 3 (C I "Best Laid Plans" I I te na io al "June" I a "Radio Silence" 1 3 a 1 0 (N) BS 1 3 a 1 1p (N) (:35) a te ho Co be rt (N) (1 9) i v. de Amor" (N) a ro a a al up su te "Fraudes a la orden" (N) Ma a a i "Zaid contra su propia gente" (N) a ie ec ta "La maldad de i ci a 1 9 Ginebra no tiene (N) Ed ic i (N) (Live) (Live) (:35) ic i ro (N) 2 9) IO i ag ir "Out With a Bang" hi a go i re "Tonight's the Night" hi ca go i "Virgin Skin" i ca go Fi "Keep Your Mouth Shut" Ch i ag Fi "A Rocket Blasting Off" 3 1 W) a i am i i me ti a ra (N) 4 8 Ho "Out of Reach" (N) a i eu Fa i eu Ho i fe "Blondetourage" i "Selling Out" (4 0) OX 4 0 Ne at 7 0 0p (N) at a za "We're Ready, But Is Shazam Ready?" (N) Th iz Wi a ll "School of Splash" FO 40 a 1 0 :0 0 pm (N) (N) OX 4 0 ew a 11 0 0 pm (N) "Sarah Like Puny Alan" 5 8 58 Proposal Proposal" Santa Simulation" i a "The i a "The "Road Trip and Guilt Trip" he nn er ne ne CR A 3 ew on 58 (N) db er i ns (5 8 2 (H s) al ex as Ra ng er "Flashback" a re "The Immunity Syndrome" a he er a i "Justice" a ee ac Ni "Paradise" St a Tr oy a "Living Witness" 6 4) Te eF La a ja (N) a i ('21) Philip Winchester, Rebecca Romijn. ab co ar a tr Ma (N) i ce ic ho CABLE 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 A ig or Wa rs i rh ar Ne i gh r.
"The Parent Slap" ei "Off of i gh rh Our Grass" a rs (N) i "Fires er "War of to "Drive- (:05) i hb r. Fighters" (N) the Words" (N) Thru Debacle" (:35) ei "Game of Cones" A (5:30) ky I I ('79) Talia Shire, oc I I I ('82) Mr. Talia Shire, Sylvester Stallone. Ex-champ boxer (Sylvester Stallone) Burgess Meredith, Sylvester Stallone. trains for rematch with new champ (Mr.
T). Ro I ('85) Talia Shire, Burt Young, Sylvester Stallone. A is i a na oc ow "Escape!" Wa ns "We Have Elk in Michigan?" a rd ns "Why, Is That Bad?" a th a ns "I Told That Sherriff to Call" le ri ty am i eu Steph Curry, Chris Paul it a i ly ud Jeff Dunham, Ce i a i Joe Tessitore, yl rr 's A ad ea a i ra ('19) Cassi Davis, Patrice Lovely, Ming-Na Rob Riggle (N) Tyler Perry. Madea and the gang plan a funeral in small-town Georgia. BR A Th al i ve of ub a i "Deserted Friendships" al Ho us i of Du a i "The a Ho i ve a i "The Sisterhood of the Beauty and the Beggar" Traveling Voice Note" (N) ea ou i ve ra nt "Rent and Reputations" ew i sN i gh (N) (Live) La ra a i (N) (Live) A so Co er 36 0 i Th a it a ap pe i ic i ff i i ic ic ic a a er at i on "Brazil: The Amazon" at i "Macau" an a Ma v.
a oo at i on "Brazil: The Amazon" DI SN ig Ci en i i Gr ns ou a mi ly ie ('05) Kyla Pratt. (:40) Ha i on I (:05) a i y' I Ha i le I a 's av n' Ho a "Twice Bitten, Twice Shy" a tc "The Purpose of Porpoises" (N) in i "Tricks, Treats, and Tows" (N) i i To I he "Derecho Superstorm" er Fa i de a mi Fa mi de am i i ac ('97) Will Smith, Linda Fiorentino, Tommy Lee Jones. (N) ex a Ci PN lt i at i ht (N) Sp ts en (N) (Live) po (N) (Live) sC (N) (Live) Sp or ts Ce nt er (N) (Live) SP 2 (6:30) (N) Li I he Ar a Into the Light (N) (N) A ro a re FN fe (N) ox a i gh (N) (Live) Th i ve ss Wa te rs im im a i ty OO ed "Too Yacht to Handle" pp "Heart and Sole" (N) i pl a "Titans vs. Kevin Lee" (N) A "Alex vs New York City" Ch op ed "Beef Knuckle Down" RE (5:00) i es Di a i i nc i a i 2 ya ag ('04) Julie Andrews, Elizondo, Anne Hathaway. A young princess (Anne Hathaway) must marry or give up the throne.
as a id a nd he Mi ig 7 0 0 lu (N) "The Butcher of Port Coquitlam" (N) (5:00) an ('17) Patrick Stewart, Dafne Keen, Hugh Jackman. a 2 ('18) Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Ryan Reynolds. Wisecracking mercenary Deadpool joins forces with a team of mutants to fight the all-powerful Cable. ad oo 2 ('18) Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin, Ryan Reynolds. OL (5:30) A Barracuda Championship, Final Round A To ol Barracuda Championship, Final Round From Tahoe Mountain Club in Truckee, Calif.
GA OU IS Sk i a ke a "Drone-Ageddon" re of i nw a ke a nc (N) re i nw al a nc "Breakthrough; Shock and Awe" (N) (SF) (:05) i a a (N) LI FE as le "An Embarrassment of Bitches" a tl "The Blue Butterfly" Ca "Pandora" (:05) as le "Linchpin" (:05) a "Once Upon a Crime" AG Be a hf ro ar ai un Be a ro a ai Hu nt Be a ch ro a rg ai Hu nt Be a ro a a i un Be a ar a i nt MS BC La or i a (N) (Live) 1 1 (N) (Live) Al Wa ne on i ht a st rd Wi th La en Do ne 1 1 ou i a i le BC A LB a a San Francisco Giants at Los Angeles Dodgers From Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. (N) (Live) i a tg a (N) (Live) Br a ki re a in A (6:30) a ba Houston Astros at Oakland Athletics (N) (Live) A a (N) A ll A I i (N) it ig A li a nc NI Ho el ra sy lv a i a 2 ('15) Voices of Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Adam i Sandler. Dracula tries to bring out his grandson's inner vampire. ie ie ie nd "The One ri nd With the Jam" ri nd "The One With Ross's Thing" il De a i i "Wife's Double Life" ea i i "Code of Silence" De a i ne "New Mexico Desert Killings" De ad i ne im "Vanishing on I-95" A RM Tw Ha en Tw al a i a Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Russell Crowe. A fugitive general becomes a gladiator in ancient Rome.
i (6:00) Un a ra ei gh Ma i a ob ('21) Connie Nielsen, Alexey Serebryakov, Bob Odenkirk. (P) Ja ('75) Robert Shaw, Roy Scheider. LB lo (N) Yo ng he Yo ld on ng do ou el ou el Yo he ld od er a i er a il er a il a Fa ou "Since Been Gone" i Fa Fa lo i (N) i Fa a i (N) el "Never Say Never" (N) ne ct TN (5:00) a pt ai A ic i i Ho Ha "Love Bomb" a ('16) Chris Evans. (:20) Ho se a "Sins of the Father" Behind almost (:35) se of a me "Follow the every tale of a great fortune. Money" (:50) a ro N.
L. TV Ra (:35) a (:10) Ra (:45) a (:20) Ev ay "Angry Sex" (:55) ay ay mo nd (:05) i (:40) i SA La SV "Secrets Exhumed" NX (N) (:10) ('18) Ike Barinholtz, John Cena, Leslie Mann. (P) PREM 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 (6:20) ir i ra at ('11) Rooney Mara, Christopher ar (N) Plummer, Daniel Craig. A disgraced journalist probes a 40-year-old murder. (:40) Ho se a (:50) Ha ff a i he rk i an ts Ha MA (6:20) ac at io ('15) Christina Applegate, Skyler Gisondo, Ed Helms.
Fey. a Ma a ('08) Amy Poehler, Greg Kinnear, Tina (:40) a ir a a ti es ('17) Alex Sharp, (:20) I Ma ('11) Nicole Kidman, Elle Fanning. George Clooney, Ryan Gosling. PA (6:15) ('22) Jordan Oosterhof, a rs "Make It Easy" Conan Hayes, Tim Roth. (:10) or ('23) Peter Sarsgaard, Brooke Timber, Jessica Chastain.
Sylvia's i lo a ('16) Mark Strong, life is blown apart when Saul follows her home. Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Jessica Chastain. CM (6:30) rf Cr a zy ('59) a Ad ur ('60) A profile of surfing includes action from popular locations. Su in in a ('61) Bruce Brown. TM (6:20) ov Sp ea ('20) Eiza Alia Shawkat.
a i a ('06) Sarah Jessica Parker, Zooey Deschanel, Matthew McConaughey. (:40) ('08) Jessica Alba, Justin Timberlake, Mike Myers. (:10) at ('14) Alan Tudyk, Katie Findlay, John Karna. television Tonight To subscribe to on listings, please call 800-284-2300 or go to sacbee.com/getontv. PUZZLES THE NEW YORK TIMES CROSSWORD Fill in the grid using the clues listed PUZZLES LEXIGO Starting from the double hexagon and winding through any direction, spell solutions to the current clue provided.
You can backtrack and use tiles more than once. Each new word starts with the last letter of the previous.